Police strategy and management in schools


  • Mª Elena Martínez Moreno Community Police of the PG-ME at l’ABP Nou Barris
  • Domènec Colomé Gómez Community Police of the PG-ME at l’ABP Nou Barris


The aim of this paper is to explain how works the police of the autonomous government of Catalonia (Policia de la Generalitat-Mossos d'Esquadra -PG-ME-), specifically the Police Station of Nou Barris in Barcelona, to achieve social welfare that implies real and peaceful coexistence in schools. It aims to highlight the crossover work with education authorities, teachers, associations of parents, students and the general public, to tackle the problems that arise around schools with a quality police services.

The growing phenomenon of public space security has meant that the PG-ME, design cross-cutting strategies devised to improve the use and safety of the space. Thus, we present the importance of prevention as a key element in its management and specifically the need to plan all types of networking activities in each geographical area, taking into account the diversity and idiosyncrasy of the environment.

So we are interested in explaining the link between the characteristics of a space and the phenomena of insecurity and the need, once diagnosed the situation together with local actors, to plan transverse and multidisciplinary strategies that seek to improve the everyday environment and in consequence, and as a direct effect, improving safety, and their perception by the citizens who live together and interact in that space.






Educational Psychology and Counselling