Educational psychology reflections and didactic proposals on finitude


  • Anna Nolla Casals Teacher, pedagogue and speech therapist. CREDAV speech therapist Jordi Perelló, Vallès Occidental


Arguments are presented in the item to approach the pedagogy of the death, offering tools of reflection that can help to teachers, children and adolescents to be understood better the meaning of the life. Using determined resources you can pose interesting questions related to the finiteness.


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GEA, Alfons. Acompanyant en la pèrdua. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2006

HUISMAN-PERRIN, E. La mort explicada a la meva filla. Barcelona: Empúries, 2003

KROEN, W. Cómo ayudar a los niños a afrontar la pérdida de un ser querido. Un manual para adultos. Barcelona: Oniro, 2002

MÈLICH, Joan Carles. Filosofia de la finitud. Barcelona: Herder, 2002

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Educational Psychology and Counselling