A new a new competency-based curriculum with all the intelligence in mind


  • Núria Alart Secondary school teacher and trainer of the Department of Education
  • Joan Ruaix Secondary school teacher and trainer of the Department of Education


Knowledge cannot be acquired through memorization of isolated facts, but through the ability of thinking and drawing coherent conclusions. Knowledge must be significant, which means, related to our students’ physical and social background. This is the reason why we should include in our teaching activities the most current scientific and technological discoveries and the most relevant artistic, musical, literary and sports events of our society. Teaching for competence is based on applying knowledge and not only on its mere transmission (traditional teaching). Thus, teachers should not only teach concepts (knowledge), but should also teach skills (know how) and attitudes (being and coexisting). They should also know their students very well to help them develop all their intelligences.


ALART, N. (2004) L’evolució d’un hort al llarg d’un any al Baix Llobregat. Col·lecció Pau Vila.(UB)

ALART, N. (2008) Aprenent amb totes les intel·ligències. WebQuest-Internet a l’Aula d’Acollida: una experiència d’èxit. Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol. Edu21

ALART, N i RUAIX, J. (2008): Recursos TIC per a la tutoria en l’educació secundària: una visió pràctica a partir de la multiplicitat d’intel·ligències dels alumnes. Barcelona. UOC

ALART, N: pàgina personal. www.xtec.cat/~nalart

ALART, N: presentacions: http://www.slideshare.net/nalart

ALART, N: vídeos: http://www.youtube.com/nuriaalart

ARMOSTRONG,T. (2006): Inteligencias múltiples en el aula. Barcelona. Paidós Educador.

PUJOLÀS, P. (2008) El aprendizaje cooperatiu. Barcelona. Graó

SANMARTÍ, N (2008) Evaluar para aprendre. Barcelona. Graó

ZABALA, A i ARNAU, L. (2007) Cómo aprender y enseñar competències. Barcelona. Graó.






Educational Psychology and Counselling