Proposal to improve the network support for schools


  • Elena Anton EAP Badalona, sector B
  • Carles Monereo Department of Educational Psychology. Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona


Within the perspective of education from a social dimension, the concretion of the coordination spaces takes a major relevance. The increasing contexts where the tasks have to be shared show the need to have the procedures to guide and organize the interactions of the “diversity” of professionals and services within the common environments.

The functions of the EAP; assessment, advice and guidance, are accompanied by the coordination tasks defined in two dimensions: that of the professionals in the same team and / or service, managing the shared tasks, and that of those professionals dealing with the different services – educational, social and health – that interact in the same territory, with the objective to cooperate with schools to improve the care of students.

By describing the experience of collaborative work, internal and external coordination is considered, and a software application format is proposed, to improve the network input of services within the educational environments


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Educational Psychology and Counselling