UFTEA, an integrated response for children and teenagers with ASD and their families


  • Esther Francisco Salas Psychiatrist. CSMIJ Cornellà- Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
  • Neus Ribalta Xicota Educational Psychologist. EAP B07 Cornellà de Llobregat
  • Teresa Rius i Santamaria Clinical psychologist. CSMIJ Cornellà- Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
  • Coral Tarazona Ortiz Educational Psychologist. EAP B07 Cornellà de Llobregat




Autim, Network Work, Functional Unit ASD (UFTEA), Integral Care Plan (PAI)


The UFTEA of Cornellà de Llobregat , a networking experience in a territory, is explained in this article. UFTEA (ASD Functional Unit) is a joint work space for professionals from existing services in a specific geographic area of Catalonia, who are involved in the direct care work of children and teenagers with ASD. Its main objective is to ensure the management of the care process for children with ASD, which includes screening, diagnosis and treatment processes, as well as periodic evaluation and proposal for improvements, if any. The UFTEA is a territorial unitary structure where the Integral Care Plan (PAI) is jointly drawn up for children and adolescents with special health, education or social needs.


Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Salut (2012). Pla d´Atenció Integral a les persones amb trastorn de l’espectre autista (TEA).

Generalitat de Catalunya (2017). Pla d´Atenció Integral a les persones amb Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista i a les seves Famílies.

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament Educació (2015). De l’escola inclusiva al sistema inclusiu. Una escola per a tothom, un projecte per a cadascú.





Educational Psychology and Counselling