Children and Art Therapy
Artistic expression has certain elements (such as creativity, symbolization or pleasure) that predispose to be used as a therapeutic tool, especially in children. It explains the particulars of a psychotherapy through art and raised as a possibility in a school context.
Dalley, T. (1987) El arte como terapia. Barcelona: Herder.
Dalley, T., Case, C. (2007) Art Therapy with Children (From Infancy to Adolescence). Routledge.
Dalley, T.; Case, C. (1990) Working with children in art therapy. Routledge.
León Grinberg L. & Sor, D. & Tabak de Bianchedi, E. (1972) Introducción a las ideas de Bion. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.
Winnicott, D. W. (1982) Realidad y juego. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa
Dalley, T., Case, C. (2007) Art Therapy with Children (From Infancy to Adolescence). Routledge.
Dalley, T.; Case, C. (1990) Working with children in art therapy. Routledge.
León Grinberg L. & Sor, D. & Tabak de Bianchedi, E. (1972) Introducción a las ideas de Bion. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.
Winnicott, D. W. (1982) Realidad y juego. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa
Educational Psychology and Counselling
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