Psychomotor activity as an educational resource for the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs associated with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD
The present study examines the validity of the psychomotor aid intervention in the school as an educational and therapeutical resource for developing relational, communicational and symbolical skills in pupils with special needs associated with PDD and ASD. The research is based on an interdisciplinary work that uses assessment instruments for observation and monitoring, which are validated and shared by professionals involved in the education of the students. The theoretical part is based in the new contributions by development psychology to the understanding of the disorder, contributions that are consistent with the principles of the interaction in psychomotor practice. The last section presents the method used in the empirical study: the sample selection, instruments for the information collection, development and monitoring of the intervention and the coordination among professionals and families. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are presented.
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