The new Professional Training: an opportunity to define personalized training itineraries


  • Rosa Solans Esparrica Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Directorate-general of professional, artistic and specialized education. Transition Program Service


The article puts forward the changes in educational and vocational training systems emanating from the strategy established by the European Union in Lisbon 2000. The clue has been the setting of an integrated system of qualifications and vocational training that allows the organization of the training with a common reference: the key competence units. All along the presentation the importance of this referent is underlined in order to establish correspondences and bridges among different training systems and also in order to certificate the acquired competences through non formal training and work experience. The aim is to facilitate life long training and to facilitate to each person their own itinerary of qualifications. To finish with, the article brings out the importance of incorporating the concept of itinerary when guiding the pupils, so that they can start the one that better fits their interests and capacities. That would mean, for those without a certificate in ESO, a positive target, showing that there are open paths beyond more traditional academic itineraries and that would help motivate them not to abandon their training.


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