IES La Romànica” Parents school

Support to the family’s education action and strengthen the communication and participation of the families in the education center


  • José Mª Lahoz García Educational psychologist from IES La Romànica de Barberà del Vallès


The crisis on the values, new family types, the lack of conciliation between work and family life, and some other circumstances, have caused some misalignment between family and education centers regarding the educational action. The consequence: some educational ineffectiveness that must be corrected by sharing the objectives, and bringing together the cooperation between families and the education centers, also improving the education skills of the educational agents. The parent’s school tries to address this challenge, and this essay wants to be the instrument to reach other education centers and other families. It’s exposed the reasons that pushed us to start these activities, the procedures and materials used, the achieved results, future projects and strategies to export it to other education centers.






Educational Psychology and Counselling