IES El Bullidor: Orientation Program. EINA project


  • Yolanda Feligreras Lorite Specialist professor of psychology and pedagogy
  • Clara Mata Sanz Head of the Eina Project


For more than one decade, IES El Bullidor of Rubí has been distinguished for confering great importance to the personal, academic and professional direction of its students, as well as trying to provide the best answer to their educative needs.

In such a way, the institute has a Counselling and Attention to the Diversity Department, from which the Counselling Program of the center is coordinated. As a part of this Program, the EINA Project (EINA means TOOL) started last year. It is innovator in the municipality, and directed to those students who, for different reasons, are led to school failure, absenteeism, coexistence problems in the high school and, later, to precarious labour or, in some cases, to marginalization.






Educational Psychology and Counselling