“Caring by Caring” Program

Implementing a strategy for raising awareness among young people of the fetal alcohol syndrome and other risks of alcohol consumption


  • Eduardo Sacristán Vázquez CDIAP Integra Garrotxa
  • Ester Pla Colomer CDIAP Integra Garrotxa
  • Mireia Sala Moliné CDIAP Integra Garrotxa


Fetal alcohol syndrome, development, adolescent prevention


Carecaring. Strategy of prevention of SAF.The SAF impacts in fisical, mental andneurodevelopmental handicaps. Weeexplaintheclinicalwork in SAF prevention. It‟sfocused on


CDIAP Integra (2016). Prevención del síndrome alcohólico fetal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFLc1RMKUGc
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Educational Psychology and Counselling