Reflections on an experience for the advising practice improvement in Sant Martí EAP (Psychopedagogical Advice Teams). 1.1

Psychopedagogical advice -1.1


  • Francesc Mena-Berbegall EAP B-21 Sant Martí
  • Rosa Solé Gómez EAP B-21 Sant Martí


Psychopedagogical advice, Cooperation, Educational Services


This article is a description and analysis of the three years of internal work in the EAP of Sant Martí, with the advice of José Ramon Lago and Javier Onrubia. We explained the process that we were carrying out as a working group and as professionals to incorporate into the EAP intervention practice a model of consultation oriented to the improve of inclusive educational practices. We show some changes that we were introducing in the intervention model, with an emphasis on the processes rather than results. As a final synthesis, we highlight the difficulties in implementing the improvement proposal that we often find in the centers and the facilitating elements that can help the success of this process.


Lago, J. R., i Onrubia, J. (2008). Assessorament psicopedagògic i millora de la pràctica educativa. Vic: Eumo.

Lago, J.R., Onrubia J. i Huguet. (coords) (2012) Assessorament per la millora de les pràctiques educatives. Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Ensenyament: Assessorament per la millora de les pràctiques educatives. Página web on hi ha el document elaborat pel grup de treball del departament d’Ensenyament i un vídeo de presentació:





Educational Psychology and Counselling