Pathways of social and occupational inclusion for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities


  • Pep Ruf i Aixàs Technical director of the support area for individuals and the community (Fundació Catalana Down's Syndrome). Coordinator of the National Network for Independent Living (Down Spain). Professor of social education (Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)



For almost 40 years, the Catalan Down's Syndrome Foundation has developed different actions, programmes and services with the aim of promoting personal autonomy, full social inclusion and there cognition of the rights of people with Down's Syndrome or other situations of intellectual disability.

Many of the so initiatives constitute a continuum of resources and strategies that allow supporting the vital itineraries of these people, in the different stages and areas of their lives.

Still today, these models of accompaniment have represented pioneering references at local and international level, which many other organisations have wanted to explore in order to implement alternative models to the services and benefits described in the regulations and portfolios of social services.


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Montobbio, E. (1995). El viaje del Señor Down al mundo de los adultos. Barcelona: Masson.

Nacions Unides (2006). Convenció sobre els drets de les persones amb discapacitat i protocol facultatiu. Generalitat de Catalunya. tematics/11discapacitat/2012_04_11_convencio_drets_persones_discapacitat_catala.pdf

Planella, J. (2004). Subjectivitat, Dissidència i Dis-K@pacitat. Barcelona: Editorial Claret.

Ruf, J. (2017). Itinerari bàsic d’autonomia i vida independent. Down España.

Ruf, J. et al. (2021). Vida adulta y envejecimiento de las personas con síndrome de Down . El papel de las familias. Down España.

Ruf, J. et al. (2021).Vida adulta y envejecimiento de las personas con síndrome de Down . El papel de las asociaciones y los equipos profesionales. Down España.

Vived. E. et al. (2012). Servicios para la Promoción de la Autonomía Personal (SEPA). Down España.





MONOGRAPHIC "life beyond school"