Learning to be a teacher in Catalonia and Finland: commonalities and differences


  • Natalia Contreras González Ramón Llull University. FPCEE Blanquerna. Research Group Interuniversity Seminar on Identity and New Educational Trajectories (SINTE)
  • Eva Liesa Hernández Ramón Llull University. FPCEE Blanquerna. Research Group Interuniversity Seminar on Identity and New Educational Trajectories (SINTE)
  • Paula Mayoral Serrat Ramon Llull University. FPCEE Blanquerna. Research Group Interuniversity Seminar on Identity and New Educational Trajectories (SINTE)
  • Auli Toom University of Helsinki. Center for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE)




practicum, future teachers, mentors, inquiry


The teaching practicum is a fundamental and indispensable part of initial teacher training. It is an opportunity for student teacher to connect theory and practice and to demonstrate their professional competencies. There is a broad international consensus as to the educational importance of school-based internships for future teachers. This article explores the specific approaches to the teaching practicum in Finland and Catalonia, focusing on similarities and differences between the two models. The article covers essential topics such as the structure of the practicum, the schools that host student interns, the development of the inquiry competence during the practicum, the experiences and activities to which students are exposed, supervision and mentoring during the process, and the assessment of this period. Ultimately, this article seeks to open a debate and to promote reflection on key aspects that might prompt a reconsideration and lead to improvements in the training of future teachers.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling