A family counseling team specialized in the school setting: looks and amorous conversations


  • Paco Buigues Tro Counselor psychopedagogical. Family therapist Director SPE A-7 -Alicante-


Psychopedagogical advice, Emotions, Family, Relationship


In this Article we describe some traces of the professional track of the family and school counseling team (EAFE), which under the school educational psychologist services (SPES) of Comunidad Valenciana, has been working for 22 years in the SPE A-7 from Alicante. We will present the paradigmatic lines that inspire us, the objectives and models that guide our work, the procedures and phases with the families, the strategies, materials and we will outline some interventions.

The work in EAFE has influenced throughout our task of school psychological counseling in EI and EP centers, where our job is mainly focused. One afternoon a week we assist families that present cases with severe family and/or school problems, in which ordinary interventions have not been satisfactory. Cases are referred by colleagues from different SPES, by other services, by educational inspection or by the own families and schools.





Educational Psychology and Counselling