
History of the journal

Journal created by the "Associació Catalana de Professionals dels EAP (ACPEAP)" [Catalan Association of EAP Professionals] on the year 2000, with the name FIELDS OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Catalan Journal of Educational Psychology and Education. On January 2001 begins its printed publication. This format is maintained until the issue nº 39 published in autumn 2013.

Coinciding with the statutory changes of the ACPEAP with the creation of the "Associació Catalana de Psicopedagogia i Orientació (ACPO)" [Catalan Association of Educational Psychology and Counselling], the journal enters its Second Phase and begins to be edited in digital format. Its masthead is modified, now it is named ÀÁF FIELDS OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELLING, and it is edited in Catalan, Spanish and abstracts in English. Eight issues are edited in this format, the last one (nº 47) appearing in autumn 2017. In this Second Phase, ÀÁF also initiated its editorial journey with the publication of the collection of books Monographs of Educational Psychology and Counselling.

From the issue nº 48 (spring 2018) on, the journal enters in its Third Phase and adopts the Open Journal Systems format. The journal is published with open and free access to all its contents free of charge and with full texts.

About the publication system

This journal uses Open Journal Systems 3.0, an open code software for the management and publication of journals that has been freely developed, launched and distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the General Public License GNU.