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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text is submitted in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12 and line spacing 1.15. The notes are listed at the end of the text. The images and photographs are sent in a separate file. The graphics and tables are included in the body of the text and have an editable configuration. The criterion and templates proposed on the section Author Guidelines are being used.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published nor it has been submitted to consideration to any other journal (or an appropriate explanation in relation to it has been given to the editor).
  • The text follows the style and bibliography rules that the publication norms of the APA 7th edition require.

Author Guidelines

ÁÁF Fields of Educational Psychology and Counselling invites authors who wish to collaborate with the journal to carefully read the following regulations in relation to the originals.

The magazine publishes articles related to education, psychology, pedagogy and guidance linked to the educational field, from school, universities, health services or other community services. It is recommended to place special emphasis on the educational and social implications. The works to be presented may be: studies or theoretical reflections, intervention designs, experiences of duly evaluated educational practice or development of instruments for professional practice. When research reports are presented it will be necessary to pay attention to the contextualization and specification of the educational implications of the research presented.

The texts sent for publication must be original, unpublished, and not be under evaluation in any other publication.

Manuscripts and data will be sent through the OJS platform. Once the publication of the article has been confirmed by the Editorial Board, the author will be asked, to the extent possible, to also deliver the translation into Catalan (or Spanish) of the original sent.

Respectful and non-discriminatory language must be used and sexist use must be avoided with the appropriate lexical choice:

  • References to groups expressed in masculine plural with generic value are understood. Obviously, when a text refers to a specific person, or to a group of people of the same sex, the discourse must be adapted to the corresponding gender.
  • In general, for naturalness, clarity and economy of language, we propose not to systematically duplicate the gender of words.
  • The use of new forms that are not correct from the grammatical point of view will be avoided in accordance with current regulations.

The originals for the section “Educational Psychology and Counselling” should be limited to between 6,000 and 8,000 words (including notes, references and any other elements). Articles for the "Professional Practice" section will be limited to 2,000 to 5,000 words.

The works will be presented in a document in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12 and line spacing 1.15. Notes will go at the end of the text. The article will be accompanied by another file DOCUMENT 1 with the basic data: the title of the work, the abstract and the keywords (in Catalan, Spanish and English); as well as the name, surnames and electronic addresses of the authors and institutional or labor affiliation. If there are several authors, it is necessary to indicate with whom the correspondence will be made, adding the address and telephone number.

Organizational charts and graphs must be able to be reprinted and therefore it is advisable not to send them in grouped formats. The images and/or photographs must be sent in a separate file and indicate in the body of the text the place where they are proposed to be included.

Citations and bibliographical references, which must be relevant and always cited in the text, will be written following the publication standards of the APA 7th edition.

The submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by two expert reviewers of the Editorial Board independent of the author or by external professionals who are experts in the subject matter of the article, not institutionally linked to the author.


Texts of personal authorship that reflect on some aspect of current affairs or on a specific issue related to psycho-pedagogical advice or aspects that affect the development of children and young people.

Educational Psychology and Counselling

Research, theoretical reflections and intervention designs on counseling, intervention and psychological, pedagogical, psycho-pedagogical and social guidance linked to the educational and growth contexts of children and young people from the educational, social and health aspects.

Professional practice

Experienced psycho-pedagogical, educational or social practice experiences or development of tools for professional practice.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses introduced will exclusively be used for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or person.
The opinions expressed in the articles are only responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or editorial policies of the journal.