Globalised work from an external proposal


  • Ramon Grau Professor of secondary School Quatre cantons, Barcelona


Learning, Skills, Organization, Cooperation


It brings into the classroom authentic tasks that give students the opportunity to be in touch with the real world through several institutions that collaborate with the school. Close collaboration is set with external institutions (museums, cultural and research institutes, companies ... ) which play a promoting role. Thus, the tasks are designed in a world that the student recognizes and wants to understand. These tasks are perceived as authentic actions involving intellectual and practical values. Students work together in planning, organizing and controlling their own learning process by working mainly individually or in groups, the group class becomes fuzzy. No pre-work units are developed for all students, tasks and projects are developed by students and teachers together; in the process, the teacher plays the role of supporting, advicing and guiding.


GIMENO SACRISTAN, J. (1976). Una escuela para nuestro tiempo. Fernando Torres. Valencia.

KOZMA, R. B. (2012 ). Les TIC i la transformació de l’educació en l’economia del coneixement. Debats d’Educació nº 28. Ed: Fundació Jaume Bofill. Barcelona.

RUIZ, F. (2007). La nueva educación. Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial

SCHLEICHER, A. (2010). The case for 21st-century learning. En línia: < thecasefor21st-centurylearning.htm>[consulta del 10/12/2012]





Professional practice