Aspects of tutoring: between the limit and the face*


  • Josep M. Lluró Professor of History, IES Terrassa


The article talks about the work of tutorials on Secondary Education and its future strategic role in secondary and primary schools. It provides an alternative interpretation of the tutor’s work in order to solve social problems, in a way that allows individualized tutorial and the tutor's personal judgment, in a real and effective way. Reflection on mentoring is essential to deal the specific problems that currently have schools and colleges and to dignify the work of teachers. Proposals are made from the idea that mentoring is the functional axis of the educational activity, not only designed to avoid conflict or raise a world without stress. The meeting of faces and the existence of limits incorporate such tensions. From de conflicts and its resolution emerges the TRUE educational act. The rest is training and routine.

* [The original of this article was published in Catalan in the magazine Àmbits de Psicopedagogia núm 18, autumn 2006]







Educational Psychology and Counselling