BRÚIXOLA Project: the experience of a success full diversification curricular program


  • Marta Castellà i Riera Teacher of Educational Counselling. Institute of Secondary Education Miquel Bosch Jover. Arts
  • Victòria Serra Terzi Teacher of Biology and Attention to Diversity. Institute of Secondary Education Miquel Bosch Jover. Artés


Since the course 2006-2007, the high school Miquel Bosch i Jover has been implementing a successful diversification curricular project called “Brúixola” aimed at a group of 4th ESO students that are demotivated and have some problems to follow the contents of the regular classroom, which prevents them from graduating. The aim of this scheme is to encourage a small group (maximum 15) of students to get the ESO Certificate and target them towards CFGM or directly into the labour market.

This project involves a different curriculum organization from the other students because they share school subjects with other activities in local businesses. It has the support of the entire educational community: school, families, local council and businesses. The success of this program is due to the application of a more functional and meaningful teaching methodology. The valuation of these 6 courses is very positive because there has always been a high rate of approval.






Professional practice