Inclusive learning through programming by competences


  • Glòria García Urbina Professor of Spanish Language and Literature, SES de Sils


The values and autonomy are the basic pillars that support the educational project of the Sils High School. From them, the goal is to train competent people who can manage in a world more and more plural, hence, the students of Sils learn to work in heterogeneous groups which enable inclusiveness, developing projects created by their own teachers and designed to the development of key competences in the degree that everyone can achieve. And there can be no required minimum levels in compulsory education, and students must be valued for their ability to work and improvement, and in no case for their cognitive level. That is, at least, the idea which gives meaning to the Sils High School, an inclusive institution where people work to develop a competence curriculum strongly based on values.






Educational Psychology and Counselling