FUNDS OF KNOWLEDGE. An educative intervention to improve family-school relationships in cultural discontinuity and social inequality situations


  • Moisès Esteban Guitart Lecturer in the department of psychology, University of Girona


This article presents a discussion of the proposal known as “Funds of knowledge”. In particular, it is introduced the origin, theoretical principles and Catalonia application of this intervention. Funds of knowledge is designed to foster home-school relationship in contexts with high cultural diversity through creation of mutual trust relationships between both teachers and parents. The concept of “funds of knowledge” is based on a simple premise: people are competent and have knowledge, and their life experiences have given them that knowledge. In the first section, the history and goals of this program in North America is presented. After that, it is illustrated the application of this strategy in Girona. The claim is that first-hand research experiences with families allow one to document his competence and knowledge, and that such engagement provides many possibilities for positive pedagogical actions.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling