The textual competence in upper primary school


  • Griselda Batlle Martínez Primary school teacher


When the students results guide the steps to be followed in the classroom. This article aims at reflecting about effective skills to improve  the Upper Primary students textual competence. All the difficulties, lacks and abilities observed along three years as sixth grade tutor have been used to describe a didactic proposal based on the feedback from the communicative model among teachers and students.

Three didactic intervention axes are describes:

  1. Intervention in the production process and context.
  2. Intervention in the textual revision process.
  3. Use of third parties texts as reference models.

The texts to which the author refers to can be either oral or written, amn must be the result of the cultural and scientific exchange context created in the classroom. The specific proposal presented focuses on the written process and emphasizes the need to give feedback about its results.




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Professional practice