Teaching methodologies and styles to prevent disruption classroom


  • M. Pilar Vegas Masià Teacher and psychologist. Educational psychologist EAP B.05 Badalona


The Secondary School teacher has to face two great challenges nowadays: on the one hand give answers to a curriculum organized in competences as well as to the new educational requirements that our society demands within the world-wide globalization process and, on the other hand, give answers to the disruptive behaviors which are, unfortunately, so frequent in Secondary School classrooms.

This entails opting for innovative methodological approaches and for specific educational styles. Both are interrelated elements of the same educational process. The school is no longer a simple transmitter of information and has no longer homogeneous classrooms in terms of cultural features, social levels or family models.

The identification and analysis of good educational practices through observations and interviews has produced the elaboration of a protocol to perform in the classroom management as a document-frame for the School which intends to invite the teachers to do a reflective practice. The results of the study show methodologies and educational skills that promete learning, respect and good atmosphere in the classroom.



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Educational Psychology and Counselling