Curriculum diversification: Mirror of academic and professional guidance
The workshops in curricular diversification are organised by the Área de Innovación (Department for Innovation), part of the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona (Barcelona Education Consortium) for the city’s secondary schools in support of their measures for the promotion of diversity. The article describes how these secondary schools, depending on their organisational resources, adapt the workshops in order that students get the most out of them, within the framework of an educational style focussing more on the practical than on the abstract and conceptual, and that they help students to successfully finish their compulsory education. The advisory aspect of these workshops is also described and the efforts being made by certain secondary schools to make tutorials in the penultimate and last years of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) directly linked to the workshops.
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TOMLINSON, A (2008) El aula diversificada: dar respuestas a las necesidades de todos los estudiantes. Barcelona, Octaedro
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