The optimization of system structures and resources as an axis for the improvement of the inclusive school model


  • Julio Aviñoa Pérez Pedagogue. EAP B-42 Les Corts Educational psychology advisor (Barcelona)


One of the clearest signs of the evolution of the educational system of a country is the one referring to the approach of the pupils’ individual needs and its adequate use.

The transfer from an ‘integrated school system’ (nowadays mostly used) to an ‘inclusive school system’ is complex and hardly assumable if the complicity of all the agents implicated in the differents levels of decision is not considered in the process of aplications (social level, educational institution level, educational zone level, school level and class level).

The conclusions extracted from the present research bring to light that the current conditions of the education system in Catalonia are favorable to obtain the transfer to an ‘inclusive school system’,therefore it is ascertained that it is possible to start a process of reflection with the different agents of the educational community to its cause.


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REICE Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre calidad y cambio en educación. Vol 6 nº 2 . 2008 Odet Moliner Procesos y circunstancias que permiten avanzar hacia la inclusión.

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Educational Psychology and Counselling

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