The process of social or school insertion for young people with judicial measures of deprivation of liberty

Socio-educational center "Es Fusteret", a new concept of working


  • Núria López Roca University of the Illes Balears. “Es Fusteret” Socioeducational Center


The present experience tries to show a pioneering project to our Autonomous Community that began nine years ago, as fruit of an agreement between two Headquarters of the Council of Education and the Council of Social matters of the Balearic Government.

The project defends and works the process the boys' school and / or formative return with judicial measures of privation of freedom, which are fulfilled in a center (a centre where there execute the measures of privation of freedom for minors according to law 5/2000). We speak about catalogued maladjusted lads socially, that up to the moment existed were absent of the school ordinary circuit, since inside this one they had not found the answer adapted to his needs and that consequence of being formed" in the street " they had started presenting conduits disruptive and / or criminal.

From the center, and from the School and formative Program one pleads for a line inclusive and of integration and one works day after day for the search alternatives school and / or formative that associate - relative collaborate in his way on returning to his context.

We have tried always to be employed at the conditions and at as normalized as possible wheel and the school situation at the administrative level of Internee pupils to our center has been it of any different. That is to say, all Internee pupils by a judicial measure have been registered to a school center or formative agent of zone (depending on his familiar address, as it marks the principle Based on the sector. There has been done a work coordinated among all the implied institutions; always departing from the basic directives (so much didactics as curriculares) of his school or formative center of reference, since the return to this one center has been the final and priority aim of the project that we they are going to present


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Educational Psychology and Counselling