Guidance versus information


  • Manel Mascarell Morgado Educational psycholgist EAP B-12 Santa Coloma de Gramanet
  • Maria del Mar Mollet Jódar Educational psychologist EAP B-12 Santa Coloma de Gramanet


To give guidance or to give information are not the same thing: the information is part of the guidance and, by itself, is not sufficient; it might be even harmful if not accompanied by advice.

A good guidance process needs a good knowledge of the students, especially in the case of pupils with special educational needs. It is also necessary to know the existing resources in the area and the purpose of the guidance.

In the IES are constantly being used several tools for this purpose, which need to be modified and revised constantly in order to make them suitable for the features of their students. There is enough law making on the matter which refers to and reinforces all these issues.


Negro, A. (2006) La oreintación en los centros educativos. Organización y funcionamiento desde la pràctica. Barcelona: Graó.

Tedesco, J.C. (1996): La educación y los nuevos desafíos de formación del ciudadano. Nueva Sociedad: 146, pp.74-89.






Educational Psychology and Counselling