We improve the peer relationship
Work to prevent violence and abusive relationships in schools
Many teachers of secondary school have realized that students often have to deal with social conflicts among them. Because of this, students are usually facing situations that negatively affect their motivation towards academic learning. This has raised our interest to undertake a study aimed at identifying the reasons underlying this problem with the purpose to improve the social relationships among the student at the school.
COLLELL, J., ESCUDÉ, C. Qüestionari: Conducta i Experiències Socials a Classe (CESC)
COLLELL, J., ESCUDÉ, C. “Maltractament entre iguals a l'escola: Bullying” Informació general sobre el maltractament entre els iguals a l'escola. www.xtec.cat/~jcollell/
COLLELL, J., ESCUDÉ, C. (2007): “Una aproximació al fenomen del maltractament” Revista d’estudis de la violència. núm. 1, www.icev.cat
DIAZ –AGUADO, M.J. (2003) Educación intercultural y aprendizaje cooperativo. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.
Informe DELORS. Informe a l’UNESCO de la Comissió Internacional sobre Educació pel s.XXI. www.unesco.org
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