Resource for behavioral disorders (RTC)
A service of Fatima, a Public Center of Special Education in Terrassa
The Resource for Behavioral Disorders is a service that attempts to give answer to a collective of pupils at the ordinary school that have severe disorders of behavior. The service, which is offered from a municipal school of special education, has the advice of the EAP and of the CSMIJ. It is a service for pupils schooled at elementary grades with whom every type of measures of support and restraint of the school have been already used without result. Because of their characteristics of personality they need a specific help for being able to continue in an ordinary environment. The teachers of the special education school, attend the pupils with behavioral disorders at ordinary schools. This service requires a lot of coordination with all the professional implied: ordinary schools teachers, school of special education (teachers and respective managerial teams), resource teachers, center of mental health (CSMIJ), psycopedagogic advice professionals (EAP), Inspection and Municipal department of Education of Terrassa (PAME).
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