School integration of students with intellectual disabilities in the IES of the Community of Madrid


  • Doris Jiménez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México)
  • Gerardo Echeita Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) Interface Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education


This paper complete the contents shows in Echeita & Jimenez (2007) regarding a multiple case study about the social, academic and relational outcomes of pupils with special educational needs, related with intellectual disability and integrated into upper secondary schools in Madrid (Spain). In this work we present one detail case study and the conclusions. The main results shows that quite frequently we are far away from offer to pupils with intellectual disability “integrated” in secondary school the quality education they need and have right to. The first step to avoid this discriminatory attitude it´s to make visible this state of the art, and afterwards to set up places, moments and conditions among school stakeholders to review the conceptions and barriers which hold this non inclusive school cultures, polices and practices.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling