Attention to diversity in secondary school with the support of moodle


  • Àlex Letosa Porta Professor of psychology and pedagogy of secondary education and consultant Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


This article shows that is and what are the advantages Moodle in the use of attention to the diversity in secondary education. Such as self-learning and self-thereto, as well as the continued monitoring tutorial by the teacher. The results of combining classroom work with a nearby resort and motivator to encourage students to share and improve the experience. It also presents the learning experience conducted in a secondary education institute where we used the web support Moodle to work with students with individualized curriculum adaptations. It used programs for free distribution combined with other programs provided by the Education Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya as JClic, Quaderns Virtuals, Video both CRP, and so on.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling