Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)


  • Assumpta Clopas i Fisa Educational Psychologist EAP B-26 Martorell


The 150th anniversary of Freud´s birth celebrated in Barcelona with the motto Freud, a classic of contemporary thinking, has suggested to the author of this article a reflection about some of the contributions of psychoanalysis in the practice of psycho pedagogy and more specifically in the advising function. It summarises aspects like the listening, the transfer, the reflection, the use of word and the defence mechanism as very useful referents in the roles we must develop in our work, the psycho pedagogic field.


Bolinches, A. (2004): El canvi psicològic. Barcelona: Pórtic. Enciclopèdia catalana.

Freud, S. (1981): Obras completas Tomo III (1916-1938). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

Freud, A. (1999): El yo y los mecanismos de defensa. Buenos Aires: Paidós

Izcovich, M. “Deu aspectes per a una reflexió sobre una trobada entre la psicoanàlisi i l’educació”. Full informatiu 179.

Lauzun, G. (1962): Sigmund Freud. Madrid: Ediciones Cid.

Segal, H. (1965): Introducción a la obra de Melanie Klein. Buenos Aires: Paidós

Vendrell, S. “El malestar dels docents”. Full informatiu 179.






Educational Psychology and Counselling