An institutional experience for the inclusion in class of special needs students in collaboration with support teachers


  • Teresa Huguet i Comelles EAP d’Esplugues de Llobregat


In this article it is explained a research paper carried out with the collaboration of an infant and primary education school to evolve to more inclusive school-practice. We are talking about a school with a large number of students with special needs. In this centre they take care of the educational needs of the students in the ordinary classroom and inside their reference group. The support and special education teachers work in the classroom with the tutors and they collaborate with them. In order to give coherence to this work and to have space to learn to work in this way, the ‘Attention to Diversity Commission’ was created. In this commission we elaborate and propose the criteria and the instruments of intervention and evaluation. This work turns into an organizational and methodological proposal for those centres which find it possible to start to progress in this direction and for those who can be interested on the model which is proposed.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling