Do I go back to school after the Day Hospital?


  • Isabel Camprodon Quintana URPI Hospital Clínic Barcelona
  • Montserrat Domingo Salvany HDA of Gavà. Orienta Foundation
  • Begoña Roca Carretero HDA Hospital Clínic Barcelona
  • Jesús Sáez García HDA Terrassa. Mútua Terrassa
  • Josep M. Tanco Villanueva HDA Sabadell. Parc Taulí
  • Alfons Vila Cots HDA Manresa. Althaia Foundation


Since the year 2000, the teacher is a member of the multidisciplinary team of the day-hospital for adolescents with psychiatric disorders. He adapts his work to the personal characteristicsof his pupils and his objective in the hospital is to ease the continuity of the pupils school formation and mantaining their cognitive capacities as well as the emotional and social ones.

The aim of this study, based on the data collected during two years by 15 teachers working in different hospitals in Catalonia, is to analyse how the reincorporation of the young people to the learning process takes place since the moment they leave the hospital.

We can see that the quantity of the pupils going back to the ordinary school, helped with an special attention, has increased (from 9% to 27%) We also see that from the 26% of pupils who did not go to school, only 5% of them has no occupation when leaving the hospital.

It is aimed that the schools create their own resources for this kind of pupils and it is also needed that the administration creates special working programs for young people over 16.


El futur de la pedagogia hospitalària. IV Congrés europeu de mestres i pedagogs a l’hospital. Barcelona, 2000.

El rol del professional docent a l’Hospital de Dia per a Adolescents amb trastorns mentals. Document elaborat per un grup de treball format per professionals del món sanitari i educatiu amb responsabilitats en els hospitals de dia de Catalunya i coordinat per Maria Mercader (CatSalut) i Blanca Díaz (Servei d’Educació Especial i Programes Educatius del Dep. d’Ensenyament). Barcelona, 2002

Guidance on staffing of child and adolescent in-patient psychiatry units. Council Report CR76, June 1999, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Policies and Plans. Organització Mundial de la Salut, 2005






Educational Psychology and Counselling