Students presenting Generalized Development Disorder

ACÀCIES: an experience


  • Carme Hortal Espi Teacher and psychologist. Educational Psychology advisor Acacia unit of the CEE Font de l'Abella. EAP Gironès-Est


Acàcies is a specific unit for students with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) within a school for children with special needs located in Girona. This unit is currently running an interventional project between the CSMIJ (Centre of Mental Health for Children and Adolescents) and the specialised educational team. Through this collaboration, the educational and therapeutic needs of the students and their families can be undertaken in a global and integrated way. This unit provides full time or part time schooling and collaboration with the EAPS (Pshycopedagogic Assessment Team) of the area. They also provide to other schools assessment and advice to students with PDD.

This collaboration between Education and Health Services has generated a very positive teaching and therapeutic outcome. This work gives us the opportunity of learning more about children and families affected by PDD and their needs. Also we have been learning more about sharing resources (EAP, CSMIJ, Special Needs, and Mainstream Schools) to improve the identification, respect and education in the difference of these children and adolescents.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling