Learn to Cooperate in ESO: the "Support Committee" as a tool for inclusion in Secondary Education


  • Dolors Dorca Mercader Professor. La Salle Manlleu (Barcelona)




Cooperative learning, Cohesion group, Mutual help, Inclusion


This paper presents the development of the cohesion group dynamics o “Support Committee” (Stainback and Stainback, 1999 and Pujolàs, 2008,) in a ESO 2nd class, which since 1st ESO are organized in cooperative learning teams. From the Cooperative Learning Coordination Commission and with the participation of the guidance counselor, the incidence of this dynamic is analyzed. They observe how mutual help environment and facilitate inclusion and participation in the classroom of students who find more barriers to participation and learning is improving. At the same time, they observe how improvement in learning is favored by all who participate. The analysis is an example of collaborative research on the development of cooperative learning at the center, within the framework of research on the links between changes in educational practice and the improvement of student learning.


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Professional practice