A staff’s goal: the integration of pupils with auditory deficiencies


  • Montserrat Moreno i Valero Director of the CEIP Tomàs Viñas. Teacher of Infant and Primary Education. Teacher of Catalan
  • Núria Salvanyà i Miralles Degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy. Diploma in Hearing and Language
  • Anna Llorens i Todolí Specialist teacher in special education. Diploma in Hearing and Language
  • M. Lourdes García i Punsola Early Childhood Education Teacher


It’s thirty years since our school is working for the integration of children with auditory deficiencies into ordinary school.

It has been a long and very hard-working period of time during which we have advanced much and we have learned and got personal richness, both teachers and students. Day after day teachers and other professional staff have been working hard. Due to their great implication all these challenges have been achieved and all efforts have been compesated with fruits, thought resources have not been large enough.

We will continue working in order to get a good model of quality integration






Educational Psychology and Counselling