Services in the early years and development centres (CDIAP)
The article includes a brief history of the Services in the Early Years in Catalonia, their models and the evolution they have experienced, as well as their relation to the associated movements, both local and nationwide.
It develops the model and the form of intervention of the Services in the Early Years Centres, taking as the main point of interest the child, its family and its social environment.
The relation and professional cooperation with the Psychopedagogic Assessment Team is very adequate and considered positively. It upholds the double aim of both making possible a correct detection from school of the different disorders in the child's development since the early stages of its childhood as well as a correct integration into school for all those children who may require it.
VV.AA.( 2001): L’ATENCIÓ PRECOÇ: ESCRITS AL VOLTANT DE LA SEVA REALITAT. Revista de l’Associació Catalana d’Atenció Precoç. Dese Aniversari. Abril 2001.
Unió Catalana de Centres de Desenvolupament Infantil i Atenció Precoç (2001) :. Memoria Anual 2001.
VV.AA (2003): " L’ATENCIÓ PRECOÇ A CATALUNYA, SERVEIS DE QUALITAT ". Departament de Benestar Social i Familia. Generalitat de Catalunya. Abril 2003.
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