IA-TP. Avaluation of personality disorders in childhood


  • Núria Pont Bonet Psychologist. EAP T-10 Alt Camp


The article that is presented exposes the construction and design of an instrument of evaluation of the personality disorders studied in the DSM IV, coherent with the structure of the personality of the person evaluated, in the ages adolescents and for both sexes. The main objective is to give to the EAPs and also to other departments and institutions, of an auto-report of easy use and aplicabity, for to evaluate and to predict future personality disorders in normal adolescents, that permit us to differentiate the maladjustments disorders of those more severe and more desadaptatives, in order to being able to offer the resources and adequate orientations to the needs that feel the students, inside the same educational, social and medical system.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling