Some ideas about school mediation ... and a thousand conflicts
The presence of conflicts in educational centers leads to the search for effective and educational intervention strategies. School mediation breaks with the culture of confrontation and disaggregation of opinions and people, proposing the peaceful transformation of conflicts and the educational agents who practice it. In addition, it generates new learning in areas such as communication, emotions and feelings, creative and critical thinking, understanding of diverse realities, cooperation and the cultivation of peace. However, mediation is not the only means of intervention aimed at improving coexistence, as can be seen from the good practices that exist in those centers that, sensitive to the difficulties of coexistence, have developed human training programs integral. Mediation does not serve to solve any type of problem and requires certain attitudes and skills on the part of the entire educational community. In a world where violence still appears as a valid resource, schools can and must provide solutions based on dialogue and respect.
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