The role of the emotions in the bullying processes


  • Jordi Collell i Caralt
  • Carme Escudé i Miquel


There is a growing concern about the necessity of intervention to improve the social atmosphere in the schools. From this perspective one of the main aspects to consider is the situation of peer harassment that takes place in the schools. The peer harassment is a not very well-know phenomenon, although their soft forms are relatively common in all class groups.

On the other hand, many authors point out the social nature of the emotions and the consequences of the emotional states in the social relationships. This way, to know the role of cognitions and emotions of students involved in abuse situations is essential to adjust the intervention correctly and to have better possibilities of success.

In this paper we approach to the knowledge and the predominant emotions in abuse processes among peers, as much from the perspective of the main characters (aggressor and victim) as from of the different types of aggression (direct and indirect forms).


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Educational Psychology and Counselling