The Basal Stimulation in the Kindergarten of Special Education: a Yearly Work Plan


  • Roser Piñol Rubió Psychologist and Educational Psychologist from the School of Special Education of ASPACE Barcelona and the CDIAP of Sants-Montjuïc


The article presented below tries to put forward how to develop a yearly work plan in the kindergarten of a special education school. This work plan will be carried out and implemented by coordinating both a teacher and psychopedagogist and taking as a reference the theory of Basal Stimulation. The main aim for this development of this work plan will be the optimization and simplification of the group work in the classroom , having as a main aim the offer of a global attention to our students of the maximum quality. In order to get these objectives, both the theory of reference and the features of the educational centre and its students will be presented.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling