The inclusion of students with DS in the high school.

The experience of SSEE of FCSD


  • Rosa Borbonés i Lloveras Psychologist and therapist of the SSEE of the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation (FCSD)


The present article aims at analysing the experience carried out by SSEE with the inclusion of the students with DS in high schools. Firstly, some previous reflections around social expectations which are raised in the psychic disabled person and the future project with the DS individual, specifically in the teenage period.

Starting from the experience of inclusion of twenty teenagers with DS in the ESO, we deepen a series of factors that have favoured this process- reference point /referent of the student- specification of the aims and task planning- Achievement control , Evaluation and Assessment of the students- Treatment according to chronological age.

Finally, it deals with the strategies to favour relationships among students with nee and their classmates.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling