Challenges and reflections on students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during the context of a pandemic


  • Sònia González Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center
  • Núria Farrés Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center
  • Alba Calvo Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center
  • Núria Monreal Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center
  • Marina Mestres Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center
  • Elisabet Sánchez Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Center



ASD, Carrilet, COVID-19, Pandemic, School


This document is intended to be a reflection of the situation faced by education professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the medical situation requires measures of distance and protection, teachers must think of new formulas to maintain affective ties with students, formulas to continue promoting emotional contact, so inherent to the possibility of spontaneous and lively approach. This is a particularly difficult challenge in the case of students with Autism Syndrome Disorder (ASD). We collect the experiences and situations lived by the team of the Carrilet Educational and Therapeutic Centre, a specific centre for children with ASD, in the ircareduring confinement and post-confinement. Experiences that allow us to think about the possible consequences of this situation in students with ASD and the challenges that open up for professionals in their intervention with them from now on.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling