Basic concepts on transexuality


  • Eloya Martín Sánchez Health psychologist and director at Eloya M.S. Psychology. Professor-tutor at the UNED and the Distance University of Madrid. Professor-collaborator of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)



Tran sexuality, gender dysphoria, Social, Family, Psychology, Support and psychological counselling.


The basic concepts are essential to any subject to be dealt with or with which we live; if, in addition, the lack of information, or the handling of inadequate information, entails serious individual and social consequences, it is of great interest to work on it. As social beings, we live with more realities than our own, so knowledge will help good understanding and promote good coexistence. When I work on transsexuality as a psychologist or teacher, I find a great information gap on the part of the listener, as well as interest and surprise as we progress in the matter. For this reason, I always start with the exposition of basic concepts, and in this article I hope to be able to make a small contribution in this regard.

The difference between the concepts of sex and gender is basic for the understanding of transsexuality, and in the same way, we need adequate information about this concept. Gender as a social construction is not universal in nature; it differs in different cultures, over time and even according to different personal experiences. Diversity is a reality, and adequate knowledge of the basic concepts will help us in well-informed decision making and understanding them, avoiding serious consequences. Both for professionals (health, educational, social, etc.) and on a personal and social level, I believe the understanding of diversity is of great relevance; Certain concepts such as "transsexuality", "gender dysphoria" or "transphobia" are basic and their lack of information, or inadequate information, can lead to serious avoidable consequences.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling