The teen agers entanglements
Adolescence, Pandemic, Hikikomori, Digital, SchoolAbstract
In this article, I propose to outline some ideas about the adolescence in its relationship with certain vicissitudes generated by the COVID 19 pandemic, as well as the role of the school as a privileged tool to provide a proper place to the teens during this period of time and beyond.
For the purposes of this article, I will focus on the period that goes from the end of puberty to the end of schooling at the secondary level including Baccalaureate and Middle Grades.
We will analyze some of the effects that the pandemic produced, as well as the response of many teens to the presence of death and the restrictions that have operated as a regulatory law (in a symbolic sense) In many cases producing a deadly withdrawal (lack of desire), comparable to the hakikimori phenomenon in Japan.
Finally, as the school thought from another perspective to the merely bureaucratic one, it plays or rather can play a central role for adolescents, especially in the adolescent's encounter with an educator. If the pandemic introduced new perspectives in the school at the digital level, this may be an opportunity to rethink its function in view of the changes that have occurred in the last 30 years that the pandemic as an event has probably crystallized.
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