Sharing thoughts and some lessons learned, a year after the first quarantine


  • Miguel Angel Franconetti Head of the Promotion Support Area. Fundació Privada Pere Closa (FPPC)
  • Claudia Henao Coordinator of the School Promotion project counties. FPPC. Associate Professor UAB. Department of Basic, Evolutionary and Psychology Education
  • Laura Méndez Coordinator of the Badalona Pro-childhood project. FPPC



Socioeducational accompanying, Bond of trust, Gypsy families, Covid-19, Educational transitions, Digital divide


This essay shares thoughts and lessons learned with the families and the young adults we accompany, in this new scenery that the pandemic derived from the SARS-CoV-2 has created. Our organization works to promote school success among Gypsy children and young adults, supporting their personal growth and improving their community and family contexts to facilitate their access to the maximum of opportunities. Due to the effects of the pandemic, the majority of the children and their families we deal with have been subjected to extremely vulnerable situations. This made us take urgent measures, in coordination with the associative network in every area, to guarantee they had the minimum to live. At the same time, the consequences in the schooling of the children and young adults we accompany have not been less than the ones in the social field. Both the organizations in the socioeducational field as well as the different administrations have to be able to reinforce a common effort to promote actions to influence the school, the family and their contexts, to help us restore a process of transition between the different educational stages specially between Primary and Secondary school. We also have to be able to promote measures to ensure the orientation and monitoring necessary to recuperate the students that have abandoned the educational system during this period, and also to be able to recover the developing processes of essential capacities and abilities for our children and young adults as the comprehensive reading or the collaborative resolution of conflicts. Finally, but not of less importance, to be able to work to reduce the digital divide between families.


Ajuntament de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (2014). Pla d’acollida i reincorporació de l’alumnat absentista al centre escolar.

Departament d’Educació (2019). Protocol d’àmbit comunitari de prevenció, detecció i intervenció davant situacions d’absentisme. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Departament d’Educació (2020). Pla de millora d'oportunitats educatives (PMOE). Generalitat de Catalunya.

Garcia, M. (2016). L’acompanyament a les transicions educatives com a política contra l’abandonament escolar prematur i millora de l’èxit. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia Vol. 10, pàg. 33-45.

Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona (2020). Dades clau d’infància i adolescència a Barcelona 2020. Informe anual.

Oliver, Q. (2020). La Covid-19 canviarà la vida de tota una generació d’infants i joves. El diari digital de l’acció social a Catalunya.





Professional and personal experiences [SOCIAL INEQUALITY AND PANDEMIC]