A reflection on the use of standardized tests in the evaluation of early care


  • Marta Casla Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Ángeles Medina Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Yue Liu High School Attached To Northeast Normal University. ChaoYang




Early Intervention, Systematic assessment, Standardized tests, Developmental Scales , Early Intervention Staff’s Opinions


The aim of this work is to share a reflection on the assessment in early intervention programs, analyzing the frequency of use of standardized tests. We collected the opinions of 24 early intervention professionals, so it was possible to deeply analyze the characteristics of four tests that were more used by the professionals that we interviewed. For the analyses of the standardized tests, we took into account the following variables: year of publication, theoretical framework, availability of research data, sections included in each test, and scales data (year, country, community, age-range…). Results show a complex situation in which the objectives and the assessment dimensions are not homogeneous. In the same line, family and developmental contexts are not present in any of the tests that we analyzed. An explicit reflection on the assessment approaches and on the processes involved during early intervention assessments was missing. We discuss the results of the present study in terms of learning new ways to develop respectful procedures of assessment. The need to consider other variables such as family and developmental contexts in order to establish final decisions in assessment is also discussed.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling