Benefits of Co-teaching from the perspective of Primary Education students




co-teaching, educational inclusion, diversity outreach, primary school


Co-teaching is a teaching strategy in which two teachers agree on a joint practice of the teaching-learning process to a group of students in the same space and time. The objective of the study is to design, implement and evaluate a co-teaching program in primary education schools. This article intends to demonstrate the efficacy of this methodology within the dimensions of students’ learning, their inclusion and satisfaction. In order to collect the information, a questionnaire with 16 items of Likert-type responses was designed and validated. The sample of the study consists of 56 students, grades 5 and 6, belonging to 2 primary schools in the province of Barcelona who experienced this methodology during a three-month period, in the subjects: language, mathematics and social environment. The results of a quasi-experimental research demonstrate that students hold a high degree of satisfaction and confidence due to the environment and the figures provided by the co-teaching favour learning, inclusion and participation of everyone under equal conditions.


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Educational Psychology and Counselling